Granola bars

I'm always on the look out for good recipes I can make for my kids. I saw this recipe from Cafe Janae and thought it would be worth a try.

If you are not familiar with Cafe Janae, it's VERY health conscious food. Probably much more health conscious than I will ever be. They promote a lot of raw, vegetarian, gluten free, organic and whatever else healthy there is. While I think those kinds of things are a good idea, realistically I'm not going to become vegetarian or eat raw foods and I'm not going to force that on my kids.

So here's the recipe. If you do the recipe in its true form, make sure to get everything organic and gluten free. When I made this recipe, I definitely didn't do that and it turned out great.

Here's what you need.

1 cup honey
3/4 cup peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla
3 cups rolled oats
1/2 c shredded coconut
1 cup chopped nuts (I omitted this since I used chunky peanut butter)

Begin with heating the honey in a saucepan on low and add the peanut butter. Stir. Then add the vanilla, oats, coconut and nuts. Keep stirring the ingredients in the saucepan until they are warmed and mixed.

Line a baking dish with wax or parchment paper. Spread the granola evenly over the paper and let cool at room temperature. Store in the fridge.

The reviews:

My husband loved it and he's probably my pickiest eater in the house.

For me, I really liked it as well. I was surprised I liked it so much because I am not a huge fan of plain granola, especially without chocolate chips. I will say that it is really sweet so I could only handle a little bit at a time.

My two year old liked it as well. One problem we had with it was that it doesn't really harden because of all the honey. My two year old got frustrated with eating it, but she figured it out eventually with the help of a spoon.

I will be making this again. I thought it was a great tasting recipe and healthier than most granola bars from the store. It was also really quick to make (took maybe 5-10 minutes with cool down time). You can add chocolate chips to this and I'm sure it would taste great. I think it is sweet enough already so it doesn't need chocolate chips but feel free to add them. Chocolate is always a good thing.


Mark and Kim said...

I have a similar thing for protein bars that uses lite corn syrup instead of honey and my friend asked if honey would be healthier. What do you think? Honey definitely has way more sugar (it's not high fructose corn syrup) but is more "natural" maybe??

Jenn said...

It probably depends on what you are looking for. There are a lot of benefits to honey with enzymes and antioxidants and things but it's also calorie dense and like you said, it has a lot of sugar. Lite corn syrup is going to have less calories but it will lack those health benefits of honey. It might be better in a protein bar to not have those spikes in blood sugar that honey will give you. Or maybe you could try both and let me know which one works for you!