Slow cooker BBQ chicken

I had some people ask me for this recipe so I thought I would post it here. It's probably our favorite slow cooker recipe. It doesn't exactly qualify as "healthy" due to the large amount of sugar in it, but it sure tastes good. I saw the original recipe in the newspaper awhile back and from there, this is the version it has become.

Start with a slow cooker. Here's mine.

We used to have a much nicer one until my ten month old found the cord to it in the cupboard and pulled it down. The main part of the slow cooker that holds the food got a huge crack down the middle. Now we use this smaller, less nice one. Luckily, it still works.

Add some chicken. This just depends on how many servings you want to make. It's usually just my husband, me and my two year old who doesn't eat much so here's how much chicken I added.

Notice the baby food on the counter. I apparently haven't put all my food away from the grocery store.

Next, add some BBQ sauce. I usually just add whatever kind I find on sale. My husband is partial to Sunny's BBQ sauce that he became accustomed to while living in the south. But for this recipe, you end up adding a lot of sugar so it doesn't matter if it's not exactly your favorite kind of BBQ sauce. Add enough to cover the chicken. If you have more than two adults you are serving, I add the whole bottle. If you have two or less servings, add most of the bottle.

Next add about 3/4 to 1 cup of Italian salad dressing. I get lazy and don't measure it out. I just estimate.

Then add about a tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce. Again, I just estimate.

Lastly, add about 1/2 cup packed brown sugar. This makes the chicken really sweet.

Cook on low for 8-10 hours. When you are ready to serve, shred the chicken. Just pull it out of the slow cooker and with a fork, pull the chicken apart. Return to the slow cooker. Make sure all the shredded chicken is covered in the BBQ sauce. Serve in a sandwich or on a salad. Or just eat it plain.

My husband and I both love this recipe. My two year old likes it sometimes. If meat doesn't look exactly like the plain chicken she likes, she often won't touch it. It kind of depends on her mood. I tell people she's 2 going on 13.

This recipe is really good on Hawaiian sweet rolls. It's great for parties and guests.

Or just an everyday dinner.


Mark and Kim said... can just do bbq sauce and chicken and make homemade pizza with it (using bbq sauce as the pizza sauce in addition to being in the crockpot). :)

Jenn said...

Great idea Kim! We will try that.