Bowls and a bell

I just got this new book from Amazon. It's called How To Raise An Amazing Child The Montessori Way by Tim Seldin. It got really high reviews so I thought I'd give it a try.

Well I can see why people liked it. It has a ton of ideas of things to do with your kids that are easy and that will help them learn. So... if you don't want to go get the book, my next several posts will be activities I found in the book. One thing I like is that it has activities for very young babies which is good for me because I struggle to find games and activity things for my ten month old.

Anyway, here was one idea for my two year old. The book suggests filling a bowl with kidney beans and giving them a spoon. We didn't have kidney beans so I used dice. I also gave her two cups to move the dice into.

This activity kept her busy and interested for quite awhile. She had so much fun moving the dice around between the bowl and the cups and listening to the noise the dice made against the bowl.

As an activity for my ten month old, the book suggests giving the child at that age a bell and letting them play with it. Well... that activity was less successful.

It lasted about 30 seconds, and the last 20 of those 30 seconds the bell spent in her mouth.

After she put it down, my two year old came over and had the thing in pieces. I didn't even know the bell came apart. Apparently it does.


beth said...

I think if I gave Jack a bowl with something in it and a spoon, he would just try to eat what was in the bowl. :)

Jenn said...

Yeah the book says kidney beans are good because they don't fit in ears or up their nose but yeah, if Jack is still putting things in his mouth than that probably wouldn't work! As you can see, giving my younger one a bell wasn't the best suggestion either.