Card table fort

Sometimes as a parent I hit my limit. I just need a break.

This activity came from one of those moments. In the midst of my two year old following me around the kitchen and pulling all the dirty dishes back out of the dishwasher, I needed something to keep her busy.

I grabbed our card table and threw a flat sheet over it.

If I had known something that easy would make her so happy I would have done it long ago.

She went crazy for it. All her stuffed animals went in it. Lots of toys have spent time there. Her sister was invited in. And actually over time, both Mom and Dad have been invited in as the fort is now a staple in our living room.

I've seen some really cute patterns for sheets that can go over the top of card tables such as the one here. But my kids don't seem to mind at all that the sheet over the table is not cute and decorated.

Maybe kids just need a place to hide sometimes.

Later we added some tunnels. The dark blue one we got at a garage sale and the light blue one is from Ikea.

The fun never ends.

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