I just quit my job.

My kids are just too sick. My 1 year old woke up with a fever this morning. I can't keep finding subs for my shifts or people to take the kids until they get better. And I sure can't listen to my 1 year old scream while I'm at work because she doesn't feel well.

So... on to the next adventure. And more blogging about kid activities. Because now we're going to be spending a whole lot more time at home!


beth said...

Oh bummer. It sounded like it was going to be a great thing to be able to take your kids. But when it makes your life worse, SO not worth it!

Mark and Kim said...

:( that stinks. sounds like the best choice though.

Linda said...

You will face this choice again and again AND AGAIN!!! - you will never regret being home for your kids - in the long term any way - it is so much better for them. And somehow we always managed to survive. Times do get tight but you can do it! You will figure out a way and be inspired as you put your family first.