Winter colds

I think my girls picked up a combination of every cold and flu symptom there is.

I think it comes from working at a child care place and bringing my kids along. This morning I went into my kids' room and found a puddle of vomit in my one year old's bed from last night. That, along with her terrible coughing, fever, runny nose, and probably a series of other ailments she can't tell me about has made her really fussy and clingy. Sadly, my two year old just went through this same thing a few days ago.

I suspected my 1 year old was starting to take a turn for the worst yesterday. I was working with the older kids (2 and over) and my poor little one year old just cried and cried from the baby room. I know my kid and knew that it was more than a separation anxiety for her that was making her upset. The people working in the room just kept telling me that it was fine and if I came and held her that it would just make it worse because she learns that crying will get her held by her mom. It's kinda frustrating when you know your child and you know that there is something wrong. Ugh. A few times I just ignored them and held her anyway. It's my child, after all. Today while I'm at work my girls are going to be with their grandma. I'm just hoping my 1 year old gets better by tomorrow (wishful thinking, right?)

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