We're still alive over here...

My husband just got a new job!!!!!!

We are so excited. In a bad economy like this it's been a bit rough, but after almost a year of job searching (and struggling) we made it.

So now starts the list of things that we need:

*A new washer that doesn't make banging noises on the spin cycle
*A car that holds more than 4 people (no we are not expecting any new family members) and that neither me nor my husband drove in college
*A vacation. We have not been on vacation together (just my husband and me) since long before my almost three year old was born. I can't even think of the last time we did anything just the two of us
*A maid. Just kidding (but wouldn't that be nice)

I think right now we are just relieved that we are finally going to be able to afford life.


Mark and Kim said...

YAY!! That is great news. I want to hear more about it and life in general!

beth said...

Such great news! Where is his new job?